Felipe Arturo Colombian , b. 1979

Felipe Arturo is an Architect who graduated from the Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, with a Master of Arts degree from Columbia University New York and a PhD in Visual Arts from the University of Évora in Portugal. His artworks converge architecture, urban contexts based on historical analysis, and global socio-political, economic, and geographical parallels, inviting deep reflections on form, space, and contemporaneity. His practice focuses on sculptures, installations, and videos investigating fundamental concepts such as structure, sequence, and matter. Arturo delves into the influence of vernacular architecture and modern construction techniques, reflecting on how these traditions and methods shape and enrich contemporary culture. His work reveals a sophisticated reflection on how these elements inform and transform our perceptions of the built environment through a multidisciplinary approach that includes extensive photographic work, video, video installation, sculpture, and installation interventions in public spaces.
Among his most recent artistic interventions are:
Modernisms: Simultaneously and systematically. Elvira Moreno Gallery (2024).
Accelerated fiber in the belly of the wall, Escape Tunnel, Baluarte de Santa Catalina, Cartagena de Indias (2022),
Mesclado, Cera Projecto Espaço Espaço Espelho de agua, Lisbon (2020)
Antibalas, Espacio Fragmentos, Bogota (2019)
Thoughts of Caffeine, 15th Biennale of Lyon (2019)
Detour, Museo de la tertulia, Cali (2017)
The River Pursues Gravity. Luis Caballero Award, Bogota (2017)
Huerequeque Bar, Lafayette, FIAC, Paris (2017)
Topography of Morality: Quito. Metropolitan Cultural Center, Quito (2017).
Huerequeque Bar. Espacio Odeon, Bogota (2017)
In his extensive career, Arturo has made interventions in various spaces such as Péndulo at the Goethe Institut in Bogotá in 1999, the exhibition Cuerpo, Arte, Naturaleza at the Botanical Garden of the same city in 2004, The Happiness of Objects at the Sculpture Center in New York in 2007 and Mientras Sea Posible at La Casa de América in Madrid in 2010, among others. In 2008, he won a grant from the Jerome Foundation to travel to the Amazon basin, the result of which was installed in the streets of Shanghai in the same year. 2010 he had the solo exhibition Constructivismo Espontáneo at EL52 in Mexico City.