Magola Moreno Colombian, b. 1968

  "At the age of 40 I was aware of two things. The first, that I had always been an obedient woman; the second, that I had already lived half of my life. Recognizing these two truths, I found in painting an existential and practical path for the following years to live. I have been drawing for as long as I can remember and I was lucky enough to find artists friends along the way at the right time who encouraged me and gave me the light to dare to go beyond drawing. Painting in oils out of pure instinct led me to discover an own voice that reinforced the ideas that I have been exploring since. My subject is the woman and its possible representations, which supposes an expanding universe. Moods, feelings and common places are part of my exploration. The concept looks into the ontological and how things are related to each other to analyze my own way of seeing and challenging what the world proposes as true, valid or beautiful. Being, identity, the individual, the other, are my motive. My work is outside the established tradition of portraiture, it is not framed in hyperrealistic figuration, nor does it make social or environmental criticism. Mine is rather atmospheric and theatrical. It is connected to the subjective and benefits from the previous work of painters who left an impression on me. I do not subvert any tradition and I do not challenge the expectations of my environment. My work feeds on my limitations; devising my own version distinguishes what I propose. Painting is a trade that I started “late”, just in time to never be a young artist. I find it incredible to be able to search within creativity and materialization."